The LSM Workbench uses a series of global variables. You can also use them for your own ABAP code. You can use the following variables in your ABAP code: Global Variable Description g_project Current project g_subproj Current subproject g_object Current object g_record Current target structure g_cnt_records_read Number of records read so far g_cnt_records_skipped Number of records skipped so far g_cnt_records_transferred Number of records transferred to the file so far g_cnt_transactions_read Number of transactions read so far g_cnt_transactions_skipped Number of transactions skipped so far g_cnt_transactions_transferred Number of transactions transferred to the file so far g_cnt_transactions_group Number of transactions in the current batch input session g_userid User ID g_groupname Name of batch input session g_groupnr Sequential number of current batch input session Features
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