Explain the document currency (WRBTR) and local currency fields (DMBTR) when posting a document in SAP FI.
A: On the document header, the currency key is entered.
If this is different from the entity currency (or local
currency), an equivalent amount in local currency is
calculated automatically by the system and stored in the
field “local currency”. It is possible however to overwrite
the system proposed value in this field manually.
If the local amount is manually overwritten, and the
difference between the implied exchange rate is sufficiently
different to the rate used by the system, a warning or error
message is displayed (depending on system configuration)
This DataSource extracts line items from the leading ledger in new General Ledger Accounting. For all other ledgers, you have to create separate DataSources.
Technical Data
Application Component | Financial Accounting: General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) |
Available as of Release | SAP Enhancement Package 3 for SAP ERP 6.0 |
Shipment | SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI Content Add-On 3 Support Package 08 |
Content Versions | 1.0; 703 |
RemoteCube-Capable | No |
Delta-Capable | Yes |
Extraction from Archives | No |
Verifiable | No |
In Customizing of the OLTP system, you have activated new General Ledger Accounting under .
Data Modeling
Delta Update
After Images Marked for Deletion via Extractor (FI-GL/AP/AR)
The DataSource uses the delta method to transfer each new status of the changed line item. For this reason, it is not possible to update the InfoCube directly. The InfoCube can only be deleted via the DataStore object (update with MOVE).
The delta method works with a lower safety interval of an hour (standard setting). This means that the system transfers all postings that were made from an hour preceding the last delta load up to the current time. The overlapping of each first hour of a delta load when the after image method is used with the update MOVE causes any data records that were extracted twice to be overwritten. In this way, the method guarantees gap-free data consistency in BI.
Fields in the Extract Structure | Description of the Field in the Extract Structure | Table of Origin | Field in the Table of Origin |
ANLN1 | Main asset number | BSEG | ANLN1 |
ANLN2 | Asset subnumber - new, four-digit | BSEG | ANLN2 |
AUFNR | Order number | BSEG | AUFNR |
AUGBL | Clearing document number | BSEG | AUGBL |
AUGDT | Clearing date | BSEG | AUGDT |
BELNR | Accounting document number | FAGLFLEXA | BELNR |
BLART | Document type | BKPF | BLART |
BLDAT | Document date in document | BKPF | BLDAT |
BSCHL | Posting key | FAGLFLEXA | BSCHL |
BSTAT | Document status | FAGLFLEXA | BSTAT |
BUDAT | Posting date in document | FAGLFLEXA | BUDAT |
BUKRS | Company code | FAGLFLEXA | RBUKRS |
BUZEI | Number of the line item within the accounting document | FAGLFLEXA | BUZEI |
DMSHB | Amount in local currency with +/- sign | BSEG | DMBTR *¹ |
HWAER | Local currency | RBUKRS*¹ | |
DMBE2 | Amount in second local currency | BSEG | DMBE2 |
HWAE2 | Currency key of the second local currency | RLDNR*¹ | |
DMBE3 | Amount in third local currency | BSEG | DMBE3 |
HWAE3 | Currency key of the third local currency | RLDNR*¹ | |
EBELN | Purchasing document number | BSEG | EBELN |
EBELP | Item number of purchasing document | BSEG | EBELP |
ETEN2 | Schedule number | BSEG | ETEN2 |
FAEDT | Net due date | BSEG | ZFBDT |
FILKD | Branch account number | BSEG | FILKD |
GJAHR | Fiscal year | FAGLFLEXA | GJAHR |
GSBER | Business area | FAGLFLEXA | RBUSA |
JAMON | Fiscal year/posting period from posting date | BKPF | GJAHR*¹ / MONAT*¹ |
KOART | Account type | BSEG | KOART |
KOSTL | Cost center | FAGLFLEXA | RCNTR |
MABER | Dunning area | BSEG | MABER |
MADAT | Date of last dunning notice | BSEG | MADAT |
MANSP | Dunning lock | BSEG | MANSP |
MANST | Dunning level | BSEG | MANST |
MONAT | Fiscal period | BKPF | MONAT |
MSCHL | Dunning key | BSEG | MSCHL |
MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | BSEG | MWSKZ |
POSN2 | Sales document item | BSEG | POSN2 |
PRCTR | Profit center | FAGLFLEXA | PRCTR |
QBSHB | Withholding tax amount in document currency | BSEG | QBSHB*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
QSFBT | Withholding tax exempt amount in document currency | BSEG | QSFBT*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
QSSHB | Withholding tax base amount in document currency | BSEG | QSSHB*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
REBZG | Document number of the invoice to which the transaction belongs | BSEG | REBZG |
SAMNR | Invoice list number | BSEG | SAMNR |
SGTXT | Item text | BSEG | SGTXT |
SHKZG | Debit/credit indicator | FAGLFLEXA / BSEG | DRCRK*¹ / XNEGP*¹ |
SKFBT | Amount eligible for cash discount in document currency | BSEG | SKFBT*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
WSKTO | Cash discount amount in document currency | BSSEG | WSKTO*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
SKNTO | Cash discount amount in local currency | BSEG | SKNTO*¹ / DMBTR*¹ |
UMSKS | Transaction class special general ledger | BSEG | UMSKS |
UMSKZ | Special G/L indicator | BSEG | UMSKZ |
UZAWE | Additional payment method | BSEG | UZAWE |
VALUT | Value date | BSEG | VALUT |
VBEL2 | Sales document | BSEG | VBEL2 |
VBELN | Billing | BSEG | VBELN |
VBEWA | Flow type | BSEG | VBEWA |
VBUND | Company ID of trading partner | FAGLFLEXA | RASSC |
VERTN | Contract Number | BSEG | VERTN |
VERTT | Contract type | BSEG | VERTT |
WERKS | Plant | BSEG | WERKS |
WRSHB | Amount in document currency (foreign currency) | BSEG | WRBTR*¹ |
WAERS | Document currency (key) | FAGLFLEXA | RWCUR |
WVERW | Type of bill of exchange usage | BSEG | WVERW |
XBLNR | Reference document number | BKPF | XBLNR |
XZAHL | Indicator: Is this is a payment transaction ? | BSEG | XZAHL |
ZBD1P | Cash discount percentage 1 | BSEG | ZBD1P |
ZBD1T | Cash discount days 1 | BSEG | ZBD1T |
ZBD2P | Cash discount percentage 2 | BSEG | ZBD2P |
ZBD2T | Cash discount days 2 | BSEG | ZBD2T |
ZBD3T | Deadline for terms of payment net | BSEG | ZBD3T |
ZFBDT | Baseline date for due date calculation | BSEG | ZFBDT |
ZLSCH | Payment method | BSEG | ZLSCH |
ZLSPR | Payment lock key | BSEG | ZLSPR |
ZTERM | Terms of payment key | BSEG | ZTERM |
ZUONR | Assignment number | BSEG | ZUONR |
XREF1 | Reference key of the business partner | BSEG | XREF1 |
XREF2 | Reference key of the business partner | BSEG | XREF2 |
XARCH | Indicator: Amount already in archive? | BSEG | XARCH |
RSTGR | Reason code for payments | BSEG | RSTGR |
ASKTO | Current cash discount amount in document currency | BSEG | SKFBT*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
KURSE | Effective exchange rate in line item | BKPF | KURSF |
REBZT | Type of follow-on document | BSEG | REBZT |
PSWSL | Update currency for general ledger transaction figures | BSEG | PSWSL |
PSWBT | Amount for general ledger update (absolute) | BSEG | PSWBT |
HKONT | G/L account in General Ledger Accounting | FAGLFLEXA | RACCT |
XNEGP | Indicator: Negative posting | BSEG | XNEGP |
ZBFIX | Fixed payment condition | BSEG | ZBFIX |
RFZEI | Payment card item | BSEG | RFZEI |
CCBTC | Payment cards: Settlement run | BSEG | CCBTC |
KKBER | Credit control area | BSEG | KKBER |
XREF3 | Reference key for the document items | BSEG | XREF3 |
DTWS1 | Instruction 1 | BSEG | DTWS1 |
DTWS2 | Instruction 2 | BSEG | DTWS2 |
DTWS3 | Instruction 3 | BSEG | DTWS3 |
DTWS4 | Instruction 4 | BSEG | DTWS4 |
ABSBT | Credit Management: Guaranteed amount (absolute) | BSEG | ABSBT*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
KKBWR | Currency of credit controlling area | KKBER*¹ | |
PROJK | WBS element in external format | BSEG | PROJK |
XPYPR | Indicator: Payment order exists for this item | BSEG | XPYPR |
KIDNO | Payment reference | BSEG | KIDNO |
BUPLA | Business place | BSEG | BUPLA |
SECCO | Withholding tax section | BSEG | SECCO |
PYCUR | Currency for automatic payment | BSEG | PYCUR |
PYAMT | Amount in currency for automatic payment (absolute) | BSEG | PYAMT*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
XRAGL | Indicator: Clearing was undone | BSEG | XRAGL |
CESSION_KZ | Accounts receivable pledging indicator | BSEG | CESSION_KZ |
BUZID | Identification of posting line | BSEG | BUZID |
AUGGJ | Fiscal year of clearing document | BSEG | AUGGJ |
AGZEI | Clearing item | BSEG | AGZEI |
AWSYS | Logical system | FAGLFLEXA | LOGSYS |
AWTYP | Reference transaction | FAGLFLEXA | AWTYP |
BDIFF | Valuation difference | BSEG | BDIFF*¹ / DMBTR*¹ |
BDIF2 | Valuation difference for the second local currency | BSEG | BDIF2*¹ / DMBE2*¹ |
BDIF3 | Valuation difference for the third local currency | BSEG | BDIF3 /DMBE3 |
DABRZ | Asset value date for billing | BSEG | DABRZ |
DMBTR | Amount in local currency | BSEG | DMBTR |
DOCNR | Document number of general ledger document | FAGLFLEXA | DOCNR |
DOCLN | Six-digit line item for ledger | FAGLFLEXA | DOCLN |
FKBER | Functional area | BSEG | FKBER |
FKBER_LONG | Functional area | FAGLFLEXA | RFAREA |
GLVOR | Business transaction | FAGLFLEXA | ACTIV |
IMKEY | Internal key for Real Estate object | BSEG | IMKEY |
KOKRS | Controlling area | FAGLFLEXA | KOKRS |
KSTAR | Cost element | BSEG | COST_ELEM |
KUNNR | Customer number 1 | BSEG | KUNNR |
LIFNR | Account number of vendor | BSEG | LIFNR |
MEINS | Base unit of measure | FAGLFLEXA | RUNIT |
MENGE | Quantity | BSEG | MENGE*¹ / WRBTR*¹ |
PARGB | Business area of the business partner | FAGLFLEXA | SBUSA |
PERIO | Period/year | FAGLFLEXA | RYEAR*¹ / POPER*¹ |
PFKBER | Functional area of partner | FAGLFLEXA | SFAREA |
PKOSTL | Partner cost center | FAGLFLEXA | SCNTR |
POPER | Posting period | FAGLFLEXA | POPER |
PPRCT | Partner profit center | FAGLFLEXA | PPRCTR |
PSEGMENT | Partner segment for segment reporting | FAGLFLEXA | PSEGMENT |
PS_PSP_PNR | WBS elements | BSEG | SAKNR |
RYEAR | Fiscal year of the general ledger | FAGLFLEXA | RYEAR |
SAKNR | G/L account number | BSEG | SAKNR |
SEGMENT | Segment for segment reporting | FAGLFLEXA | SEGMENT |
WRBTR | Amount in document currency | BSEG | WRBTR |
XOPVW | Indicator: Open Item Management? | BSEG | XOPVW |
LDGRP | Ledger group | BKPF | LDGRP |
XLGCLR | Clearing specific to ledger groups | BSEG | XLGCLR |
CPUDT | Entry date of the accounting document | BKPF | CPUDT |
TIMESTAMP | UTC time stamp in short form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | FAGLFLEXA | TIMESTAMP |
.APPEND | Public Sector fields for reading data of General Ledger line items | ||
MANDT | Client | *² | |
UPMOD | BW delta procedure: Record mode | *² | |
RRCTY | Record type | *² | |
RVERS | Version | *² | |
FISCVAR | Fiscal year variant | RBUKRS*¹ | |
FISCPER | Fiscal year/period | BKPF | GJAHR*¹ / MONAT*¹ |
RFISCVAR | Fiscal year variant | RLDNR*¹ | |
RFISCPER | Fiscal year/period | FAGLFLEXA | RYEAR*¹ / POPER*¹ |
KTOPL | Chart of accounts | RLDNR*¹ | |
PS_POSID | WBS elements | BSEG | PROJK*¹ |
CURT2 | Currency type of the second local currency | RLDNR*¹ | |
CURT3 | Currency type of the third local currency | RLDNR*¹ | |
DMHAB | Credit amount in local currency | BSEG | DMBTR*¹ |
DMHA2 | Credit amount in second local currency | BSEG | DMBE2*¹ |
DMHA3 | Credit amount in third local currency | BSEG | DMBE3*¹ |
DMSOL | Debit amount in local currency | BSEG | DMBTR*¹ |
DMSO2 | Debit amount in second local currency | BSEG | DMBE2*¹ |
DMSO3 | Debit amount in third local currency | BSEG | DMBE3*¹ |
DMSH2 | Amount in second local currency with +/- sign | BSEG | DMBE2*¹ |
DMSH3 | Amount in third local currency with +/- sign | BSEG | DMBE3*¹ |
WRHAB | Credit amount in document currency | BSEG | WRBTR*¹ |
WRSOL | Debit amount in document currency | BSEG | WRBTR*¹ |
Extractor Logic
Information on the “Field in the Origin Table”:
*¹: The values are determined from the specified fields.
*²: The values are determined from different sources.
Extraction method: F1 (function module (complete interface))
The extractor considers all data from the tables FAGLFLEXA (or similar customer tables), BKPF, BSEG, and BSEG_ADD.
Extraction structure: FAGLPOSBW
The FAGLPOSBW structure has a specific append for Public Sector (FMGL_FIELDS). Append extractor 0FI_GL_14_APPE is used to provide the corresponding fields in BI. This extractor assigns specific field attributes to the append fields. If you use transaction RSA5 to activate the extractor of DataSource 0FI_GL_14, the field attributes of the append extractor are assigned to the actual extractor.
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