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As we see in brabackup , the whole data files , control files and parameter files are backed up to tape/disk

Similarly BRARCHIVE is used to perform the backup for offline archived logs which are generated during database operation and gets stored in /oracle/oraarch

During busy hours or high load on database , oracle creates lot of archive logs and stores in ORAARCH .

If lot of archives gets generated during some time when we are not alert , then /oracle//oraarch folder gets filled and causes database to hang position

In order to avoid this hung situation, SAP recommends to move these offile archived log files from /oracle//oraarch folder to another location either locally or remotely to save these offline redologfiles to backup into tape later when general backup runs for system.

Archive backup should run every hour and has to put into a scheduler to run every hour

Use the following command to perform archive log backup using -sd option

brarchive –u / -c –q check -p $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init.sap –sd

brarchive –u / -c –p $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init.sap –sd

-sd : save and delete

When SAP moved the file from /oracle//oraarch location to another location in disk using BRARCHIVE command, Brarchive makes sure that the file is saved in destination successfully and the performs the delete option.

Confused? Feel free to ask

saphelpdesk.co.inYour feedback is always appreciated.I will try to reply Ur queries as soon as time allows.


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