1. In Which Year java is developed? *a. 1995 b. 1992 c. 1998 d.1993 2. Features of java? a. Java is an object-oriented, b. Platform-independent, c. Simple, d. Robust, e. High Performance, f. High Secure Programing language. *g. all the above 3. Why java is secure in Network? In Internet we transfer .class file, that is purly text file so vires is not effected to text file. 4. Which type of java mostely used to implement Web pages to client/server applications? *a. Applets (because at run time it will execute, means when user enter requiered feilds like password its show message like enter 5 charrecters or fell all the feilds) b. JSP c. Servlets d. None of the above e. All the above 5. Give me Examples in which areas java applications can run? Java is platform-independent. This means that the same Java program can be executed on any system for which a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is available. Java can be used to create programs for UNIX, Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS, or OS/2, for workstations or servers; for x86, MIPS, Alpha, or Sparc; for computers, organizers, or cell phones, and for the micro computers built into household and industry devices, such as washing machines, video recorders, cars, and traffic lights. 6. Which are following belogs to java? Applets, Servlets, JSP(java Server Pages), swing, java beens, Java-Mail-API, JTS(Java Topology suite). *a. all the above b. 6 are in above c. 5 are in above 7. choose curect statements? Java applet small computer program that runs in a Web browser ,They are transferred with the HTML page using the HTTP protocol, it is executed on the client computer. {it run in Server side, it run throw ftp protocol,applets can run in web browser with having JVM in that system} 8. choose the curect statement? server-side scriplanguages such as Perl or PHP, JavaScript is executed on the client.{server-side scriplanguages such as Perl or PHP, JavaScript is executed on the server side.} JavaScript is completely unrelated to Java. JavaScript is a script language that can be embedded in HTML and run is Web browsers (Firefox,Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer).as Perl or PHP, JavaScript is not an independent programming language, 9. After compiling Java program it generate ? *a.byte code b. machine code c. Assemble d. a&b
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